Monday 12 November 2012

Blob Tree - new book.Blob Feelings 2

Big Book of Blob Feelings 2

Paperback, 89 Pages 
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Price: £15.00
Ships in 3–5 business days
The Big Book of Blob Feelings 2 is the sequel to one of the best selling Blob books. It includes about 50 images which can be used in discussions, one-to-ones, groups, classes and faith-centres. It's success lies in having no words and no right and wrongs. It allows even the youngest school-aged child to access it, either through pointing at the pictures or revealing which Blob we feel like at the moment. The purchaser has the right to photocopy and use it with their own groups.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Blob Cocoon

We are always becoming
Always emerging
Always changing
Always imperfect
Always beautiful and me x

Blob Persecution

Throughout this country there are beautiful people who will be forced to work all Saturday because their bosses are piling so much work on their backs that they have to do much extra

Pray for their release

Pray for their families who miss them


Tuesday 28 August 2012

Blob Tree: Coming soon!

It takes a lot to get me excited - this did!

Sat in the GB contributors lounge I watched as beautiful tech man Paul unveiled his creativity

It should be with us soon

The Blob Tree app!

It is a tool to use on an i phone to discuss our feelings

To draw closer to one another

I'm excited

Monday 27 August 2012

Pip's latest book is a reworking of his original autobiography

From his childhood, through to working in the East End of London, living his faith amongst a challenging inner city group of young people.

This edition also contains new material - reflections on his time at Romford YMCA


Sunday 26 August 2012

The Mud Samaritan



Have you ever seen a Hippo's paradise?

That was Greenbelt yesterday

As we waded across to our tents following six torrential downpours, it was a game to avoid the quicksand...or quick mud.

These Blobs didn't make it

I hope you did campers

If you see someone in the mud today lend them a hand

Be the Good Samaritan...or the Mud Samaritan

Thursday 23 August 2012

Blob Tree: write a comment

What do you think is going on here?

Add a comment if you think you might have come up with a happens everyday all around us

Add it on the Facebook page


Blob Tree: Blob Shutter

Have you ever pulled down the shutters to shut out the world?

That's exactly what this Blob has done.

Life sometimes becomes overwhelming and we need space.

But when the space has done its trick, we need to open the shutters.

As you wander through the day, watch out for those with the shutters down.

Tap on their shutter...

Open them up to the world again...


Wednesday 22 August 2012

Blob Tree: more than words

More than words... great song

Blobs are all about helping people to explain their feelings

By touching an image you can explain more than with words

In the book Blob Life there are over 50 images looking at the stages of life

By discussing things now, with others, we have the power to change our future

With a picture as a safe place to meet.

Blob Tree: Which Blob...

Which most like how you feel right now? x

Blob Tree: English, French, German or Spanish?

Blobs use two languages

Not the sort you learn at school

Nor the sort you sit for exams

These are two languages we learn from birth

The language of body language and feelings

Languages that need no books

Languages that toddlers use

Languages which cross international boundaries

The languages of the Blobs


Blob Tree: Blob School

Very soon the holidays will be over and children will stream back into school to discover what awaits them in their new classes. Blob School is a discussion resource for those working in school or with pupils in some way. Each black and white page is for photocopying and if you download it, the colour pages are for use on IWBs or computers. Get it here from

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Blob Tree: anonymous

When did you last get something wrong?
It's okay to be imperfect...
Unless you are famous of course
Then Fleet Street will shout your sins from the roof tops

The privilege of being anonymous


Blob Tree: Palm Person

Are you a palm person?
Most of the Blobs have open palms
Few have fists.
As you read this, are your palms open?

Blob Tree: contact us

To chat about the Blobs,
to find out how to use them,
or to book Pip for a training session, 
contact me on

Blob Tree: The Average Person is not Average

Blob Tree: The most beautiful person in the world

The most beautiful person in the world is you
And me!
And your Mum
And Dad
And Gran and Grandad.
It's your best friend
The one you love
It's the next door neighbour
And the man who keeps popping annoying adverts through your letterbox
It's the person who you talk to every day
And the one who you have never spoken to before.
It is someone as famous as Bradley Wiggins
And the anonymous girl who stared at you from a bus window
The most beautiful person in the world is me
And you.

Blob Tree: Blob Questions

It's important to move, especially in front of the computer screen. Here are four different Blob images. In order to answer the questions, touch the picture.

  • Which Blob is how you feel after a hard day's work?
  • Which Blob reminds you of a best friend?
  • Which Blob annoys you?
Questions lead to self awareness, and self awareness helps us to grow x

Blob Tree: Blob Lent

New book of reflections for Lent now available from It is a mixture of thoughts and images. It is designed to stretch faith over forty days. It includes challenges and questions. For all beautiful human becomers x
Click here to look at the inside of it

Blob Tree: Beutiful Imperfection

As you walk to work, the shops or to school, consider this - that one in twenty of the beautiful people who you walk past are self-harming. Beneath their clothes, their profession and their outer calm are cuts and bruises. We are beautiful imperfection x

Blob Tree: Just imagine...

Imagine a world where Blobs walked next to you

Imagine seeing their clouds and tears

Their brokenness and scars

Imagine seeing the whole range of feelings just on the way to work

How would you react?


One of the best books EVER out of the fold.

One of the best books EVER out of the fold.

THIS book - interactive book 
is the 
best book produced this last 12 months. 
It is ::

EVERY DAY there is a visual to dig into.
Then a few words to inject into your SOUL
followed by the most important

It a 

If you are ever willing to let your soul be unlocked to new discovery/experience/inner life?
THIS is one to hold hands with you.

I love it
and it is nearly LENT
40 days of BECOMING ..............

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and consider ........................

Details here::